Episode 23: Ready, Set, Shop

Pickleball Athlete is a brand that has been around for a long time, but Lena Lyons has taken it over and given the product line a complete facelift. Pickleball Athlete now offers some really cute apparel and accessories for both women and men. Lena’s…

Pickleball Athlete is a brand that has been around for a long time, but Lena Lyons has taken it over and given the product line a complete facelift. Pickleball Athlete now offers some really cute apparel and accessories for both women and men. Lena’s…

Pickleball Athlete is a brand that has been around for a long time, but Lena Lyons has taken it over and given the product line a complete facelift. Pickleball Athlete now offers some really cute apparel and accessories for both women and men. Lena’s pickleball journey started earlier than many pickleballers and its led her to owning Pickleball Athlete. Great conversation that will put a smile on your face.